Effect Of Combination Antiretroviral Therapy (CART) On Haematological Variables Among People Living With HIV Infection In Gombe, Gombe State, North East Nigeria


  • G. Aglavdawa Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Federal Teaching Hospital, Gombe, Gombe State. Author
  • S. A. Ufelle Department of Medical Laboratory Science, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Enugu State. Author
  • S. Yuguda Department of Haematology  and  Blood  Transfusion,  Gombe State University/Federal Teaching Hospital, Gombe, Gombe State. Author
  • A. I. Girei   Department of Haematology  and  Blood  Transfusion,  Gombe State University/Federal Teaching Hospital, Gombe, Gombe State. Author
  • S. Adamu Department of Chemical  Pathology, Gombe State University/ Federal Teaching  Hospital,  Gombe,  Gombe State.  Author
  • Y. Abdulsalam   Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Federal Teaching Hospital, Gombe, Gombe State. Author
  • S. M. Yakubu Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Federal Teaching Hospital, Gombe, Gombe State. Author


haematological variable, combination antiretroviral therapy, HIV


Background:  Human immunodeficiency viral infection is known to cause haematological abnormalities and coagulopathies by various mechanisms, especially during its late course. Administration of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) could positively or negatively affect these haematological parameters. Thus, determination  of  the  effect  of  cART  on haematological variables is required early for initiation and monitoring of the disease.  
Aim and Objectives:  The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of cART on haematological variables among people living with HIV infection (PLHIV) in Gombe, Gombe state, Nigeria.   Materials and Methods:  A case control study design was conducted among 180 participants, 120 were PLHIV on cART and 60 treatment naïve controls. Blood samples were collected for CD4+ cell count, viral load and complete blood count (CBC)  after  obtaining  informed  consent; and  a  questionnaire  was  used  to  collect sociodemographic and clinical data.   Results:  People  living  with  HIV  infection  on  cART had significantly higher (p < 0.05) Hb (13.01 ± 1.9 vs. 11.2± 2.9g/dl), MCH (33.7 ± 5.0 vs. 28.7 ± 7.5pg), MCV (94.0 ± 11.1 vs. 81.4 ± 7.5fl), MCHC (35.6 ± 1.9 vs. 33.9 ± 3.6g/dl), and platelets (264.0 ± 106.0 vs. 245.6 ± 108.8 x109/L) than treatment naïve individuals. There was no statistically significant difference in WBC count between the two groups, neither was there a significant difference among the groups based on type of cART regimen.  
Conclusion:  This study confirms that, cART has positive impact on some haematological variables; thus, has the ability to reduce viral load and boost immune system of PLHIV. The different cART regimens had similar effects on the changes in the haematological variables 

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How to Cite

Aglavdawa , G., Ufelle , S. A., Yuguda , S., Girei ,A.I., Adamu , S., Abdulsalam ,Y., & Yakubu , S. M. (2021). Effect Of Combination Antiretroviral Therapy (CART) On Haematological Variables Among People Living With HIV Infection In Gombe, Gombe State, North East Nigeria . Nigerian Journal of Haematology, 5(1&amp;2), 14-21. https://njhaem.org.ng/index.php/home/article/view/54

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