A Word from the Editor-In-Chief

This issue of Nigerian Journal of Haematology (NJH) contains three original research articles, a review article on haemophilia and the guidelines for the management of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in Nigeria.

The Editorial Board is indeed grateful to Mike Lafan, from the Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK, for writing the review article at very short notice and adding to the quality of this journal as an educational tool. The Editorial Board wishes to thank Sanofi Pharmaceuticals Nig. Ltd. for their support in making the guidelines available to members of the Nigerian Society for Haematology and Blood Transfusion at her annual scientific conference/general meeting at Calabar, Rivers State, Nigeria, in August 2018. There is no doubt that publishing the guidelines should make it more accessible to a larger number of readers in Nigeria, to a greater extent, and elsewhere. The Board would be glad to receive comments on the guidelines from readers and suggestions for improvement through the outcomes of locally conducted research, published in this Journal as original articles or letters to the Editor, will be welcomed and will contribute to its review in future.

The Journal website has been refreshed to make it more user friendly. Important features include free view of the editorial comments, abstracts and review articles. The full text of original research articles may be viewed after subscription, either as an individual or an institution. Please register for access to full articles.

Editors are looking for quality articles to publish in this journal, therefore, articles from the senior members of the Society would be appreciated.

This issue has advertised our forthcoming annual scientific conference and general meeting for 2019. This year we shall have an unusual conference since two other haematology societies will be meeting together with the Nigerian Society for Haematology and Blood Transfusion at Enugu, Nigeria. The other  societies  are  the  Haematology  and  Oncology  Society  of  Africa  (HOSA)  and  Africaine D'Hematologie (SAFHEMA).

Thank you all for your contributions always.

Jacta Alea Est

Norah O Akinola,
FACP Editor-in Chief BSc; MBChB, Dip Haem, PhD, FMCP, FMCPath,
Consultant Physician and Haematologist