Editorial Comment

Dear Colleagues and Readers of the Nigerian Journal of Haematology, It is my great pleasure and privilege to write this editorial comment. This issue of the Nigerian Journal of Haematology presents the Guidelines for Management of Venous Thromboembolism in Nigeria, the results of a tremendous amount of work by dedicated Nigerian haematologists: Profs Shokunbi WA; Akanmu A Sulaimon; Ogbe O Patrick; Awodu OA; Bolarinwa Rahman; Yuguda Saleh; Omunakwe H; and Okoye Helen C.

In  2016,  the  NSHBT  dedicated  the  annual  meeting  of  the  Society  to thrombosis and haemostasis. This became possible by the engagement of Nigerian  colleagues  in  the  International  Society  on  Thrombosis  and Hemostasis (ISTH), and the Council of NSHBT who organized an excellent joint Workshop/Congress of NSHBT and ISTH. Translating new information into  clinical  practice  is  often  very  difficult.  This  is  especially  true  for haematology and haemostasis as often patients with bleeding or thrombotic disorders are treated by colleagues in other specialities due to comorbidities. The role of the haematologist is to transfer the most recent knowledge and information in haemostasis into clinical practice, also of other specialities. The guidelines presented in this issue will be instrumental in achieving this goal, especially as they have taken into consideration the resources available for Nigerian physicians and patients.

For those in training and especially for non-haematologists, guidelines are an invaluable source of practice improvement. It will be an important task for NHSBT to organize regular structured updates of these guidelines in the coming years to secure that they continue to reflect the current standard of medical practice.

Guidelines are also an excellent starting point for asking new research questions, especially in areas in which the guidelines do not provide sufficient information, e.g. for management of sickle cell anemia patients.  With  the  evolving  understanding  that  sickle  cell  anemia  is  associated  with  a  chronic prothrombotic state, the question of prophylactic anticoagulation to preventing organ damage might be a very relevant issue to answer. Nigerian haematologists are in the position to perform such studies and to contribute hereby to international guideline development.

The educational committee of the ISTH has followed with great interest the work of the NSHBT guidelines  committee.  Based  on  the  current  achievements,  the  ISTH  Educational  Committee  is looking forward to receiving a new proposal for a second educational workshop on thrombosis and haemostasis in Nigeria.

Beside the guidelines, this issue of the Journal presents a study on lead poisoning in children. Doppler investigation of intrarenal arterial resistance to detect early renal impairment in patients with sickle cell disease; and the pattern of anaemia in male patients with leprosy; are further interesting contributions in addition to an excellent review article on advances in the management of haemophilia by a good friend of mine.

Congratulations  to  the  Editors  of  the  Journal  and  the  Council  of  NSHBT  for  they  have  further established their journal as a source of knowledge transfer and medical education in Nigeria, which will gain attention far beyond haematology.

Prof. Andreas Greinacher,
Greifswald, Germany,
August 13, 2018