A Word from the Editor-In-Chief

Elders in the house, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen I doff my cap.

I give all honour and glory to God Almighty for the privilege to be the Editor-in Chief of the maiden issue of this Journal, the Nigerian Journal of Haematology (NJH).

The Nigerian Journal of Haematology is the official Journal of the Nigerian Society for Haematology and Blood Transfusion (NSHBT).  The idea to start a journal as a Society was muted probably from the inception of the Society, but more so in the last 16 years.  Anticipated and unanticipated challenges are many, but I believe that we are ready to face these challenges and together overcome them.  I have emphasised the word together because from my standpoint, it is the only way this Journal will succeed since, “a tree does not make a forest”.

It is the aim of the Editorial Board to publish our best articles in the most desirable way, while being as original as possible, thus making NJH Journal a world class journal.  The composition of the Editors includes haematologists from different sub-specialties, different levels of experience and practising in different parts of the country, while the Editorial Advisers consist of elders in the field of haematology, paediatrics and obstetrics and gynaecology with variable experiences in publishing. The Editorial Board therefore has a national spread with an international flavour of renowned world class haematologists. The membership will change from time to time depending on performance, and Editorial Advisers will be responsible for the maintenance of standards; so, the keywords here are quality and excellence.

It is hoped that the Nigerian Journal of Haematology will be published, to start with, as a quarterly journal with a special feature that we have called, “Ground Round Presentation”.  This feature will publish unusual cases seen in our practices as haematologists.

I appreciate all who have contributed to this maiden issue in various ways, the Authors, Reviewers, Editors and especially the Editorial Advisers who have dropped quality nuggets for the success of this Journal. Our President, Prof. Akanmu and Secretary General, Dr. Inyama, I thank you for the enablement and encouragement.  Your determination has made this vision a reality. The Nigerian Journal of Haematology is here to stay; so help us God.

Jacta Alea Est

Norah O Akinola,
FACP Editor-in Chief BSc; MBChB, Dip Haem, PhD, FMCP, FMCPath
Consultant Physician and Haematologist